How has FUN MATTERS changed our procedures during COVID?
We have been asked a few times recently about our covid-safe procedures so we wanted to write a small update for everyone about the processes we have put in place and the impact on your event.
Firstly, the safety of students and all children is paramount to us. At Fun Matters, we have always taken the safety of your pupils very seriously, and this is no different in the case of Covid measures. We have updated our procedures to ensure we can provide a covid-safe enrichment day for your students.
When preparing our new covid-safe procedures we took time to consider the impact of the changes on the atmosphere of our events. Safety is of course key but we also wanted to ensure that we maintained the fun and carefree atmosphere of our events for the children. To do this we have worked hard to keep most of our covid procedures behind the scenes while at your event. In theory, you won't even notice a difference in your event and neither will your students. We feel this is a great way to help students relax and take a break from the constant fear of the coronavirus while team-building with their classmates.
When completing risk assessments, we also consider the impact of the pandemic on our processes and assessments. Our team all have regular training and guidance on how to comply with the most current government advice on reducing the spread of Covid-19.
Before we arrive at an event, we will always check all equipment as it is being loaded at prepared. At this stage, we are now completing additional cleaning and sanitising of the equipment. Once we have arrived at your event, we then complete another check of all the equipment. This checking process has always been a part of our health and safety procedures, the only difference is we now complete further sanitizing at this stage of the event preparation.
Once the event is over, we also complete another vigorous cleaning and sanitising process for all equipment and activities. At every stage of your event, we are there on hand to ensure that equipment is safe for use.
Additionally, we always follow the guidance of the government in terms of social distancing and mask-wearing. Where appropriate we will limit the number of children using each piece of equipment at the same time and will provide guidance on safe queuing for turns that respect the social distancing guidelines.
We are aware that most of our events are run outside which vastly reduces the risk of spreading covid-19. As we move into our autumn and winter events, we will of course review our procedures to ensure that we are remaining covid-safe for indoor events as well as outdoor ones.
We expect as we move towards autumn and the possibility of indoor events, we will need to add extra procedures such as the use of masks while on equipment or indeed a rigorous flow testing scheme. At present, our Director of Fun, Nick, is fully vaccinated and all other staff members have had their first vaccination as a minimum and are expected to be fully vaccinated within the next 4 weeks.